Rita Teaotia speaks at the interactive workshop on Going global through e-commerce marketplace Source: FICCI
Gopal Pillai speaks at the interactive workshop on Going global through e-commerce marketplace Source: FICCI
Sanjay Bhatia, President, FICCI CMSME speaks at the Interactive Workshop on Going global through eCommerce market place Source: FICCI
Special Address by Lt Gen Giri Raj Singh SM, Director General Ordnance Services, Indian Army Source: FICCI
Rashesh Shah, President FICCI giving Welcome Address Source: FICCI
Nirmala Sitharaman, Raksha Mantri, addressing the audience Source: FICCI
Mukund Rajan at India sustainability conclave 2018 Source: FICCI
CK Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment at India sustainability conclave 2018 Source: FICCI
Yuri Afanasiev, UNDP at India Sustainability Conclave 2018 Source: FICCI