FICCI Winning Matters Study on Sports Performance Assessment of Indian States

October 2011 | Sports
In the sporting world, Profit and Loss is measured by medals won and hence in the first year, the research study, based on secondary data, was focused on the Statees contribution in terms of medals won at major national and international events between 2008-11 with a focus on the big multisport events (Olympic, Commonwealth, Asian and National Games) across seventeen (17) individual sports that contribute 85% of the medals at the Olympic Games.

For the purpose of assessing the sports performance of various States over a period of time, it was important to first benchmark them against each other and therefore, we developed a unique Sports Performance Index (SPITM) score based on which the States were ranked. This first of its kind report is a detailed analysis of sporting performance and potential of various states across a range of parameters.

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