FICCI Water Awards compendium

August 2013 | Water
FICCI Water Mission has been working with member industries to increase awareness on water conservation and develop a long term programme focusing on water efficiency. Through research, advocacy, awareness creation and best practices sharing, the Mission is working to make industry more responsive in managing our scarce water resources.

Under the auspices of the Water Mission, FICCI, in association with HSBC, has instituted an annual Water Awards. These Awards recognize efforts by Indian industry in areas of water efficiency, management and its conservation. The documented entries serve as a knowledge base on sustainable water management practices adopted by different stakeholders.

The report ��������� FICCI Water Awards Compendium is collection of best practices adopted by various companies. The case studies depict the wide range of initiatives Indian companies are taking to conserve water resources. Initiatives adopted range from integrated watershed management, rainwater harvesting; wastewater treatment; water audits and technology modification for reduction in freshwater consumption and reuse of wastewater.

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