'Best 25 Ideas' - Sports Start-ups Businesses in India

October 2013 | Sports
FICCI is proud to present this primary research based report on "Best 25 Ideas" Sports Start-ups Businesses in India in association with our Knowledge Partner Dextrasports. This compendium of start-ups in sports sector presents analysis of fledgling sports industry in India During the course of research, we unearthed a lot of inspirational stories behind successful sports ventures and interesting revelations about their journeys to success. Following are the highlights - Even though Professional Sports is something which India is not known for being good at, Youth Coaching is among top 3 business areas where new ventures are working on. A number of ventures focussing on variety of sports have grown rapidly is a testimony to the fact that there is high acceptance of professional coaching across a number of sports across the country. Another important highlight is the popularity of football as it is the DNA of a lot of new ventures. The 'Best 25 Ideas' - Sports Start-ups Businesses in India Report is a priced edition and costs INR 2500/- only.

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Ms. Khushboo Luthra
Assistant Director

Mr. Amit Mantri
Research Associate
T: 011-23487283/561

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