Survey report on Reward Philosophies India - 2017 & Beyond

May 2017 | Quality Forum
Report Abstract

Though substantial development has taken place in the area of Total Rewards - catalysed by new age workforce, technology and innovation - we still grapple with quite a few fundamental philosophies , which often remain unspoken and unstructured in approach.

FICCI in collaboration with Strat-Board presents this unique study on such core questions with a view to share collective insights and trigger change for long lasting impact for organizations and individuals.

The Survey touches variety of niche aspects of Total Rewards including Structure & Philosophy, Performance Pay, Frontline Compensation, Gender Pay Parity, Executive Compensation, Employee Wellness, ESOP’s & Long Term incentives & Key Priorities for 2017 & beyond.

We certainly believe that this study will not only trigger further debate and action on these crucial matters, but will also go a long way in shaping the Total Rewards Philosophy for the whole industry.

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