Blue Economy - Global Best Practices and Opportunities for Indian Industry

August 2020 | Multilaterals, International Policy & Strategy

The development of Blue Economy presents new business opportunity in over 10 sectors through public-private partnerships as well as international collaborations. Accordingly, it is a high priority for Government of India.

Blue Economy is the sustainable development of resources and assets in the oceans, related rivers, water bodies and coastal regions – by leveraging innovation, modern technology and cost and energy efficient production systems. Blue Economy sectors include : Fisheries, Aquaculture, Mariculture and Marine Products; Marine Biotechnology ; Offshore and Deep-Sea Mining ; Marine Tourism and Leisure ; Shipping, Port and Maritime Logistics ; Marine Construction ;Marine Renewable Energy Marine Manufacturing ; Marine Commerce and ICT and Marine Education and Research.

FICCI as India’s national industry association instituted an industry focused knowledge initiative in 2016 to develop an agenda for mapping the sectoral potential in Blue Economy and its effective leverage by Indian industry. FICCI has established a Taskforce and Core Group of Experts on Blue Economy to analyse the potential and contribution to Indian Economy. Two knowledge reports have been produced as part of this initiative. These have been released at several Blue Economy forums in India and abroad. A combined summary of the sectoral potential and the key takeaways of the knowledge papers is collated as a Business Report on Blue Economy.

To purchase the complete report if you are a FICCI member, please click here:

Over the following months, we shall be organising collaborative programmes and workshops to engage Indian industry and international organisations to help accentuate the growth of sectors of Blue Economy in India. Please let us know the specific sectors of your current or future interest on the enclosed survey link.

To complete survey, please click following link:

Upon completion of survey, full report will be shared with you. To receive sectoral information from our research initiative, be informed on the forthcoming programmes on Blue Economy and staying in touch on our initiative to promote Blue Economy development in India and to receive further information, please write to us at

Sushma Nair
Director, FICCI

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