Economic Impact of Online Curated Content Services in India

January 2022 | Media & Entertainment
  • The Report is prepared by Frontier Economics, in collaboration with FICCI, Creative First, Producers Guild of India, and Motion Pictures Association, Asia Pacific.
  • It highlights the Online Curated Content (OCC) services in India - the impact it has and the policy takeaways which the Media & Entertainment industry can take advantage of.
  • OCC services have high consumer demand which drives innovation and investment in high-quality productions.
  • The report brings to fore the brickwork that the industry has done in this sector, which is important to understand the issues and design relevant policies.
  • The report shows that the potential for investment and jobs, apart from the promotion of local content is huge in this sector. The externalities of which would spill over to other sectors as well.
  • To bolster local productions, there should be a focus on policies that boost investment. For example, tax incentives should be focussed on and refined.
  • It is observed that tougher policy restrictions act as a deterrent - The protectionist standpoint in this sector’s context is shown to be counter-productive in terms of reducing exports, which in turn, cascades into lower investment in producing and showcasing content.

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