The Future is Flexible

May 2023 | Maharashtra
Flexible workspace segment in India has been expanding its footprints rapidly across India. Courtesy COVID-19 Pandemic, it's no longer restricted to a segment of companies or certain kind of geography. The Flexspace is now being utilized as an alternate viable medium of commercial real estate by small and large enterprises across growing cities and not just limited to metro cities. This gradual shift has resulted in providing growth multipliers for Flexible Workspace Ecosystem in India.
Today corporations are looking at Enhancing the performance of their Human Capital to ensure that both workforce and business can thrive together and therefore bringing out policies, which align with employee growth and wellbeing. Flexspace provides such a collaborative and community driven environment, where the employees are incentivized in the form of workplace flexibility, safety and superlative amenities for greater productivity and profitability. In some of the cases, organizations have also been able to optimize operation costs through flexible workspace options.
While this new normal is here to stay, it needs to be seen how the flexspace industry further evolves and innovate to provide long-lasting, cost-effective solutions to its occupiers, who are looking to not only optimize office space but also aims to greatly satisfy employee expectations from their workspace. Therefore, a more detailed analysis is required for better understanding of the growth in this niche yet very vibrant segment of real estate in India.
FICCI - CBRE have collaborated for the second time to bring out this report with a theme - the Future is Flexible - which attempts to provide insight into the Trends and Innovation driving the Transformation of Flexspace.

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