#Reinvent: India’s media & entertainment sector is innovating for the future

March 2024 | Media & Entertainment

Indian M&E sector crossed INR 2.3 trillion in 2023, expected to reach INR3.1 trillion by 2026, reveals the FICCI-EY report
The latest FICCI-EY report titled ‘#Reinvent: India’s media & entertainment sector is innovating for the future’, launched at the FICCI FRAMES 2024 in Mumbai, revealed that the Indian M&E sector grew by 8% in 2023, reaching INR2.3 trillion (US$27.9 billion), 21% above its pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

New media, comprising digital and online gaming, emerged as the frontrunner in growth, contributing INR 122 billion of the overall increase of INR 173 billion, and consequently, increased its contribution to the M&E sector from 20% in 2019 to 38% in 2023.

Experiential (outside the home and interactive) segments continued their strong growth in 2023, and consequently, online gaming, filmed entertainment, live events, and OOH media segments grew at a combined 18%, contributing 48% of the total growth.

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