Agri start-ups:Innovation for boosting the future of agriculture in India

November 2018 | Agriculture

Indian agriculture has progressed from merely producing basic foodgrains to becoming a diversified and dynamic sector. This evolution from import reliance to self-sufficiency is a significant milestone. However, the pressing question is whether current strategies can ensure future prosperity for farmers and meet the growing demand sustainably.

This book explores how innovative technologies are revolutionizing Indian agriculture. By 2050, annual foodgrain production must reach 333 million tonnes, necessitating the use of advanced tech solutions. Agri-tech startups are central to this transformation, providing innovations that address critical challenges across the agricultural value chain.

While the Indian government’s supportive policies have spurred startup growth, realizing their full potential requires strategic partnerships and clear goals. The book emphasizes the need for disruptive technologies and effective alliances to boost productivity and competitiveness.

With a strategic location and a strong presence in the global startup ecosystem, India is poised to lead in agri-tech. The book argues that empowering agri-tech startups is essential for driving sustainable agricultural growth and positioning India as a global leader in agricultural technology and innovation.

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