LEAP (Skills & Education in M&E) Post Event Report

April 2024 | Media & Entertainment

Day-3 of FICCI FRAMES 2024 was dedicated to LEAP (Leveraging Education to Accelerate Progress), a platform designed to centre discussions on enhancing skills and education within the Media & Entertainment (M&E) sector. It facilitated dialogue between industry and academia, addressing challenges, highlighting opportunities, and fostering collaborations to nurture professional growth and cultivate a workforce future-ready workforce for the media and entertainment industry.

The M&E industry, surpassing INR 2.3 trillion in 2023 and projected to reach INR 3.1 trillion by 2026, underscores its resilience and potential for economic growth and innovation. To further this growth, emphasis is needed on skill-building and establishing a formal, standardized education infrastructure.

2nd edition of LEAP drew participation from industry and academia leaders to underscore the importance of skill development for the sector. Key objectives of the event included focused discussions on enhancing formal education in the media and entertainment sector, bringing together key stakeholders to align on future education and skills development goals, sharing insights on emerging trends and technological advancements and collaborating with government representatives to formulate supportive policy recommendations.

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