Knowledge Paper on Embracing Transformation in Textiles: Sustainability, Digitalization and Innovation

September 2024 | Maharashtra

The FICCI Wazir knowledge report on Embracing Transformation: Sustainability, Digitalization and Innovation, which was released by Smt. Roop Rashi, Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India during FICCI’s Annual Textile conference TAG 2024 in Mumbai, highlights Major Key Trends Shaping the textile Industry. These trends include buyers diversifying from China; Growing demand for synthetic textiles and evolving sourcing strategies of buyers including sourcing consolidation and preference towards vertically Integrated setups. 
The report highlights how Global brands are embracing sustainability amidst Changing Regulatory Landscape, and how sustainability can be achieved through various measures. The report also provided overview of Impact of Digitalization for global competitiveness and how Key Technologies such as Automation and Robotics Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, 3D Printing and Virtual Prototyping are Driving Digitalization. 
On Emerging Innovation in textile industry, report highlights various innovations taking place in material, Process, sustainability , nanotechnology and customization and personalization through AI tools.
FICCI Wazir report provides a roadmap on the policy support required from government on each of the key pillars of Sustainability, Digitization and Innovation as well as Infrastructure support for the textile clusters for the sustainable growth of the Industry. It also suggests role of private sector by way of bringing increased focus on value-added products as well as Product Diversification.

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