World Trade Organisation (WTO), Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and Foreign Trade Division has been working in the area of international trade and trade policy. The Division is actively involved in supporting the Government towards making effective strategies for WTO/FTA negotiations, and capacity building of Indian business on trade-related issues; dissemination of information & creating greater awareness among the stakeholders; increasing their role and participation in trade policy making. Over the years, FICCI’s stand has been reflected in Indian Government’s position at multilateral and various bilateral negotiations. FICCI has been part of Joint Task Forces of several major FTAs (concluded or under negotiation), and actively participated in several Ministerial Conferences of the WTO.
The Foreign Trade Committee regularly interfaces with and submits proposals to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) for necessary changes in the Foreign Trade Policy to simplify export-import procedures and bring about flexibility in various export promotion schemes. The recommendations help the Government in developing schemes and initiatives that are better suited for higher growth in India’s foreign trade, diversification of the trade basket, identifying new markets and generating more employment. Most of the suggestions given by FICCI get incorporated in modifications of the Foreign Trade Policy and its annual supplements.
The division has been organizing various sensitization workshops on issues related to WTO agreements & negotiations for industry representatives and also for Government officials. It also holds stakeholder consultations across the country for seeking inputs on WTO/FTA negotiations, and export-related issues. The division has been working closely with the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India; State Governments; and a large number of think tanks, institutions and inter-governmental organizations.
The division also comes out with studies, surveys and occasional papers on trade-related issues and state-of-play of negotiations at the multilateral and bilateral levels.
Team Leader
Pragati Srivastava
Workshop on Updates on RoDTEP and Foreign Trade Policy
Series of E-Masterclass on Trade and Customs related Issues
Series of E-Masterclass on Trade and Customs related Issues
Series of E-Masterclass on Trade and Customs related Issues
Virtual Workshop on Decoding Tariff Schedules and Rules of Origin criteria under FTAs
E-Masterclass on Trade Finance and Risk Management
E-Masterclass on Free Trade Agreements
FICCI welcomes New Foreign Trade Policy
Key decisions taken by the WTO members at MC-12 will benefit India and the developing world: FICCI
Reimagining Logistics
E-Masterclass on Customs Issues
Need to ensure that export control regime of dual-use items not an impediment but aligned to India's global commitments: DG, Directorate General of Foreign Trade
E-Masterclass on Foreign Trade Policy and Constitutional Issues
Free Trade & Warehousing Zones (FTWZ) - How could they Support EXIM Trade & Logistics and make India a Manufacturing & International Trading Hub
Interactive Session through Video Conference with Shri Pawan Kumar Agarwal, Special Secretary - Logistics, Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Online Interactive Session with Shri Amit Yadav, DGFT
Stakeholders Consultation on Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions in the WTO
Utilize Mini-ministerial to create support for revitalizing WTO: FICCI to Government
Interactive Session with Shri J S Deepak, India's Ambassador to the WTO on "WTO & Multilateral Trading System : Current State-of-Play and the Road Ahead"
FICCI welcomes easing of US-China trade tensions India must play leading role in reforming WTO: Rashesh Shah, President, FICCI
WTO should be modified, forward-looking, inclusive and deal with issues in a time-bound manner: Suresh Prabhu
Launch of the World Bank Group's Regional Trade Reprt "A Glass Half Full - The Promise of Regional Trade in South Asia"
FICCI Welcomes the award of the STA-1 STATUS by the US to India
Inefficient logistics impacting competitiveness of Indian products: MoS Commerce & Industry
India must lead in diffusing the possibilities of a global trade war: FICCI
Single Nodal Agency created for integrated development of logistics: Suresh Prabhu
India must lead in defusing the possibilities of a global trade war: FICCI
Commerce and Industry Minister Suresh Prabhu briefs FICCI members on the WTO ministerial outcome
FICCI Welcomes Mid-Term Review of Foreign Trade Policy
Trade will remain fundamental to global economy; needs to evolve with emerging technology, business and policy innovation
Implementation of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement key to boost global trade, says experts
FICCI comments on the launch of dashboard for Foreign Trade Data
FICCI comments on the liberalization of FDI regime
49% FDI under the automatic route shall add to ease of doing business and investment in the private security industry
Govt. urges industry to recommend appropriate tariff rates to propose at the APEC membership negotiations

Conference on Changing Global Economic Scenario: Implications for India’s Trade Policy and Make in India Programme
FICCI comments on Trade Data for February 2015

Brainstorming Session on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP): Issues, Implications and Opportunities for Indian Business

The Bharat Ram Memorial Seminar on "India's Growth Trajectory in a Fractured World Economy: Opportunities and Challenges" with Dr Raghuram Rajan, Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
New Foreign Trade Policy will focus on trade facilitation, simplifying procedures and diversification of markets & products: Pravir Kumar, DGFT
FICCI comments on India-US agreement on food reserves
Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) Business Forum

Industry Consultation on Tariff Liberalization in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
FICCI statement on WTO negotiations
FICCI comments on WTO
FICCI's Statement on WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement
FICCI comments on Trade Data, released today
FICCI comments on Trade Data, released today
"Acceleration in export growth is good news" - Sidharth Birla, FICCI President

Industry Consultation on Rules of Origin in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement
FICCI comments on Trade Data

CUTS 30th Anniversary Thought Leadership Lecture by Mr. Rajeev Kher, Commerce Secretary, Government of India

Seminar on India's Engagement with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) Opportunities and Challenges

Bharat Ram Memorial Seminar on 'Banker's New Clothes: what's wrong with Banking and what to do About it' with Professor Martin Hellwig, Distinguished Professor and Director, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany
FICCI Comments on Trade Data (December 2013)
FICCI Comments on Trade Data
FICCI Congratulates Minister Anand Sharma
"If Bali fails to deliver, then it will weaken the multilateralism and the credibility of WTO", says Naina Lal Kidwai
FICCI Urges Trade Ministers to Conclude Deal in Bali
FICCI Comments on Trade Data

WTO, Multilateral Trading System and Bali Ministerial: Where Do We Stand & The Way Forward

Seminar on India's Engagement with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Trade Facilitation: Business Opportunities and Challenges

Industry Consultation on Rules of Origin in India's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) - Chennai

Industry Consultation on Rules of Origin in India's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) - Hyderabad

Industry Consultation on Rules of Origin in India's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) - Mumbai

Industry Consultation on Rules of Origin in India's Free Trade Agreements(FTAs) - New Delhi
FICCI Welcomes Annual Supplement to Foreign Trade Policy "Trade Policy Measures will Boost Exports"
WTO must Strengthen Rule-Based Framework and Multilateral Negotiations

Special Address by Mr Pascal Lamy, Director general, World Trade Organization on "WTO and Multilateral Trading System: The Way Forward to Bali Ministerial"
FICCI comments on Export Sops

Bharat Ram Memorial Seminar on Animal Spirits, Policy Formulation and Economic Stability with Dr Robert J. Shiller, Yale University

Industry Consultation on Treatment of Remanufactured Goods and Product Coverage of the Information Technology Agreement
To strengthen multilateral trade agreements, world needs a strong and relevant WTO: Harsha Vardhana Singh, Deputy DG

Stakeholders' consultation on 'Enhancing India-EU Bilateral Trade, Investment and Collaboration in Services'

Facilitating Trade in South Asia: Sharing Best Practices and Exploring Regional Solutions

International Conference on Facilitating Trade in South Asia: Challenges and the Way Forward
Rupee trade can boost competitiveness of Indian products in trade with Myanmar: FICCI Survey

Seminar on WTO, Multilateral Trading System and Doha Talks: where do we stand and the way forward
FICCI Welcomes Russia's Joining the WTO
FICCI Holds Industry Consultation on Sectoral Tariff Negotiations in WTO

Special Address by Prof Jagdish Bhagwati on "International Trade, WTO and India: could we conclude Doha talks by 2011?"

Seminar on India-Japan CEPA and India-Malaysia CECA: Opportunities for Indian Business

National Seminar on the Business Implications of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) on india

Special Address by Mr Pascal Lamy, Director General, World Trade Organisation (WTO) on "WTO and Doha Negotiations: Closing the Gaps and Moving Ahead"

Special Address by Prof Frederick M. Abbott, Edward Ball Eminent Scholar on the "Proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): Issues and Implications"

Seminar on Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Safeguards Practices of the European Union (EU)

Meeting of FICCI Foreign Trade Committee and Special Address by Dr Harsha Vardhana Singh, Deputy Director General, WTO
Lack of Industry Feedback on Protection of Tariff Lines Will Hinder Govt's Ability to Get a Good Doha Deal: Commerce Secretary

Special Address by Dr Harsha Vardhana Singh, Deputy Director General, WTO on "WTO Doha Round Negotiations: The Way Forward and Where Does the Balance Lie?"

Seminar on Proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and TRIPs: lssues and Implications

Seminar on India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in Goods: Implementation and Operational Issues

Lecture by Dr Harsha Vardhana Singh, Deputy Director General, World Trade Organization (WTO) on “Importance of Doha Negotiations in Today’s World”

Special Address by Shri Anand Sharma, Hon’ble Minister of Commerce and Industry on “WTO Doha Negotiations and India: The Road Ahead”