ATA Carnet is a universally accepted customs document issued in 79 countries including India, aims at facilitating temporary admission of goods into a member country without payment of normally applicable duties and taxes, including value-added taxes. For more information, please visit
TIR is the universal customs transit system based on a UN Convention implemented at global level in Public-Private Partnership for moving goods across international borders without any additional checks. For more information please visit
FICCI is functioning as Sole National Issuing and Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for the operation of both ATA Carnet and TIR system in India.
FICCI's Engagement deatails
Team Leader
S Vijayalakshmi

Workshop on ATA Carnet: Facilitates Duty Free Temporary Export/Import of goods into Multiple Foreign Countries
Custom cooperation among countries is a foundational pillar that has led to emergence of the global systems of TIR and ATA: Principal Commissioner & Head, International Customs Relations, CBIC

Workshop on ATA Carnet & UN TIR system Facilitates Free Movement of Goods Across Multiple International Borders
Need to be vigilant while following procedures in Carnet at every country entry and exit point: Deputy Commissioner of Customs, Bengaluru

Workshop on ATA Carnet – Facilitates Green Channel Route for Doing Business in India & Abroad
Workshop on 'ATA Carnet' - Facilitates Green Channel Route for Doing Business in India & Abroad
Commissioner of Customs, Nhava Sheva Mumbai Flags off First Intermodal Digital TIR Pilot Transport from India to Iran in INSTC Corridor
Webinar on Why Should Chambers in India Provide eCO services and Join ICC International CO Chain
ATA Carnet brings value to the apparel & handloom sector: President, Apparels & Handloom Exporters Association

Webinar on ATA Carnet - Facilitates Duty Free Temporary Export/Import of goods into Multiple Foreign Countries
ATA Carnet & UN TIR facilitates trade, customs revenue & expedite clearance of goods: Joint Secretary & Commissioner of Customs, CBIC, Ministry of Finance
Equipment used by Olympic athletes can be imported temporarily under Carnets in Japan: General Manager, Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

Webinar on "ATA Carnet": Facilitates Duty Free & Tax-Free Temporary Export/Import of goods into Multiple Foreign Countries
TIR could facilitate regional integration & significantly contribute to implementing BBIN agreement: Senior Advisor, IRU, Geneva

Webinar on "UN TIR system" - An easy tool for hassle free movement of goods across international borders
TIR is tried, tested and affordable facilitation instrument for international transport: Senior Advisor, IRU, Geneva

Export Awareness Webinar on "UN TIR system" - An easy tool for hassle free movement of goods across international borders
TIR has potential to push trade and connectivity: Joint Secretary, CBIC

Webinar on UN TIR system and its benefits of expansion to Bangladesh and other BBIN countries

Webinar on ATA Carnet: Facilitates Duty Free Temporary Export/Import into Multiple Foreign Countries
ATA Carnet and UN TIR true examples of PPP: Commissioner Customs, Nhava Sheva, Mumbai
WATAC under WCO is working towards digitization of carnet system: ATA Carnet Manager, WATAC

Webinar on ATA Carnet: Facilitates Duty Free Temporary Export/Import into Multiple Foreign Countries
TIR will help improve trade between India, Central Asia & CIS countries: Customs Commissioner, Nhava Sheva, Mumbai

Webinar on ATA & UN TIR Carnet: Facilitates Free Movement of Goods Across Multiple International Borders
Customs Administration moving towards faceless assessment by automating customs processes: Principal Commissioner, Customs

Webinar on ATA & UN TIR Carnet - Facilitates Free Movement of Goods Across Multiple International Borders
Workshop on ATA & UN TIR Carnet: As easy tool for Doing Business in India and Abroad

Ceremony of First UN TIR shipment arrival to India from Afghanistan via Iran's Chabahar Port

Meeting on ATA & UN TIR Carnet with Mr Pranab Kumar Das, Chairman, Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC), Ministry of Finance, GOI

Interactive meeting with Mr Pranab Kumar Das, Special Secretary & Member (Customs), Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC), Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Webinar Panel Discussion on E-Commerce: Challenges and Opportunities for SME's & Startups
TIR, a successful PPP model in international trade facilitation: Customs & Export Promotion Commissioner
CBEC joins hands with FICCI for smooth implementation of TIR system in India

Workshop on ATA Carnet: Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders
CBEC appoints FICCI as National Guaranteeing Association for the operation of TIR System in India

Workshop on ATA Carnet: Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders

Workshop on ATA Carnet: Your Visa for Temporary export/import of Goods between International Borders

Workshop on 'ATA Carnet' - Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders

Workshop on ATA Carnet: "Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders"
ADB Workshop on International Standards and Conventions Relating to Temporary Admission (ATA & TIR Carnet Convention)

Workshop on ATA Carnet: Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders
ATA Carnet Meeting with Mr Sandeep Kumar, Commissioner (Customs & EP), CBEC, Ministry of Finance, Government of India

FICCI Workshop on ATA Carnet: 'Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders'

"Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders": FICCI Workshop on ATA Carnet
FICCI Workshop on 'ATA Carnet' :Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders

FICCI Workshop on ATA Carnet: "Your Visa for temporary export/import of goods between International Borders"
Workshop on ATA Carnet
World ATA Carnet Council (WATAC) Meeting
Workshop on 'ATA Carnet'
Workshop on ATA Carnet - Rights & Obligation