Healthcare Beyond Boundaries

April 2023 | Medical Value Travel (MVT)
This knowledge paper titled as “Healthcare Beyond Boundaries” is part of the 6th edition of the “One Earth One Health Advantage Health Care India - 2023” International summit. This paper encapsulates the following topics:

  1. Global MVT Sector Scenario: This chapter emphasizes on latest trends in the global MVT market scenario. It also explores the major treatments, major source and destination countries related to MVT, and recent developments in top competing destination countries (developing and developed countries) related to Indian MVT industry.
  2. MVT in India: This chapter highlights the MVT scenario in India based on Foreign Tourist Arrival (FTAs) for medical purposes. It also details the key achievements in the Indian MVT sector, and the ongoing developments being implemented in the field by GoI.
  3. CEOs Speak: This chapter consists of the industry voice of the distinguished CEOs and Managing Directors on various segments of Medical Value Travel.
  4. Proposed Policy Interventions: This chapter presents proposed initiatives in the MVT sector. It follows the sector’s growth based on the analysis of global and Indian MVT scenarios and subsequent stakeholder consultations.

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