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Occupational Safety & Health Working Condition (OSH) Code to be simplified further: Santosh Gangwar

Sep 26, 2019

  • Code sent to Parliamentary Standing Committee, industry to submit their views to the Committee


NEW DELHI, 26th September 2019: Mr Santosh Gangwar, MoS (IC) for Labour and Employment today said that the new Occupational Safety & Health Working Condition (OSH) Code will be simplified further and will have provision for 1 return, 1 registration and 1 license.

Speaking at the '8th FICCI Safety Systems Excellence Awards & Conference for Industry' on the theme of - Workplace Safety & Occupational Health, Mr Gangwar reiterated that government's efforts to introduce 4 labour Codes, instead of 44 complex laws, will not only reduce the compliance burden for companies but also benefit the workers.

"We have introduced and referred the OSH Code to the Parliamentary Standing Committee. I would request you (stakeholders) to submit your recommendations to the Standing Committee so that we can make a better law," said Mr Gangwar.

Highlighting the steps taken by the government to further simplify the labour laws, Mr Gangwar said that the new laws will replace multiple boards and committees by establishing National Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board. The new board will use latest technology and will issue Dynamic Safety Standards on timely basis.

Mr Gangawar highlighted that with the introduction of OSH Code, any establishment with minimum 10 or more workers will come under the ambit of the code. He also said that all establishments will have to issue appointment letters to workers along with one compulsory medical check-up in a year.

He added that with the new Wage Code, the government has ensured to cover all 50 crore workers to get minimum wages at a defined rate.

Mr Sandip Somany, President, FICCI said that while we have given our detailed suggestions on these Codes, I hope this exercise also ensures that multiple agencies and authorities under different Codes to deal with labour issues are minimized. "On behalf of FICCI, I would propose that we scale up this initiative with the support of labour ministry to make it a National Campaign for Safe India," Mr Somany added.

Mr Shyam Bang, Chairman, NABCB (QCI) & FICCI Taskforce on Manufacturing Excellence said that the industry is geared up to tackle safety concerns. "The target should be zero incident, zero loss of life and zero damage to capital assets," he added.

Mr Santosh Gangwar also gave away the 8th FICCI Safety Systems Excellence Awards.

  • Construction

(Second) Gold Prize in Construction Sector                Siemens Ltd, SI DS DMIC G. Noida Site

(First) Platinum Prize in Construction Sector             L&T Construction, WET IC, Erode WSS


  • Mining

(Second) Gold Prize in Mining Sector                         NP/TP Limestone Mines, Dalmia Cement (B)

Limited - Kadapa

(First) Platinum Prize in Mining Sector                       Raageshwari Mine, Cairn Oil & Gas,

Vedanta Limited


  • Power

(Second) Gold Prize in Power Sector                          CESC Ltd. Budge Budge Generating Station,


(First) Platinum Prize in Power Sector                        Udupi Power Corporation Ltd, Karnataka


  • Manufacturing (Small)

Platinum (First) Prize in Manufacturing Small Sector             ATC Limited, Hosur


Manufacturing (Medium)

(Second) Gold Prize in Manufacturing Medium Sector          J B Mangharam Foods Pvt Ltd

(First) Platinum Prize in Manufacturing Medium Sector        Arysta Life Science-UPL Group


Manufacturing Large (Hazardous)

(Second) Gold Prize in Manufacturing Large Sector              Heidelberg Cement India Limited,

Narsingarh-Damoh, Madhya


(First) Platinum Prize in Manufacturing Large Sector            Chemplast Sanmar Limited Plant-III



Manufacturing Large (Non-Hazardous)

(Second) Gold Prize in Manufacturing Large Sector              L & T Shipbuilding Ltd, Kattupalli

(First) Platinum Prize in Manufacturing Large Sector            Maruti Suzuki India Limited,




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