This is the difficult time for all of us as we hear about spread of COVID-19 from all over the world, through television, social media, newspapers, family and friends and other sources. The most common emotion faced by all is Fear. It makes us anxious, panicky and can even possibly make us think, say or do things that we might not consider appropriate under normal circumstances that we also call STRESS.
Against this backdrop, FICCI Rajasthan State Council is organising a Virtual Workshop on Stress Management during Covid Times on 9th June 2020 from 4:00 - 5:00 PM. The objective of the workshop is to offer techniques of diminishing stress in employees and develop mental strength and higher flexibility by utilising techniques and tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Psychotherapy.
Content of the Webinar includes:
Stress: Good, Bad or Necessary?
Impact of stress on Mental & Physical wellbeing
Hormones and their role in stress management
Proven Techniques for successful stress management
Mr Tapas Dasmohapatra: Developing organization by developing people is the theme, Tapas Dasmohapatra strongly believes in. The innate interest to know about human behaviour, social settings, evolution, cultural influence, he studied English literature in graduation, then after acquiring a degree in management, he went on to study psychotherapy and management sciences which enabled him to develop desired mind-set for success in people. Tapas Dasmohapatra specializes in and has successfully conducted leadership and behavioural workshop for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, doctors, police professionals, teachers, housewives, social workers and students.