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Indian Industry Thrilled with successful 42nd launch and 100th Satellite Placement

Jan 12, 2018

NEW DELHI, 12 January 2018: FICCI congratulates ISRO family for its successful 42nd mission and 100th satellite placement in orbit. 

Dr. Sanjaya Baru, Secretary General, FICCI mentioned "With the successful placement of Cartosat-2 and 30 co-passengers (28 international customer satellites from Canada, Finland, France, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) ISRO, has demonstrated the scientific and technological strengths of Indian Scientific and Industrial acumen. FICCI is highly elated with the successful launch as this will have a positive bearing on Indian industry and encourage towards greater participation by Indian industry in ever growing manufacturing opportunities offered by Indian Space Program".  

The Cartostat-2's panchromatic and multi-spectral cameras operating in Time Delay Integration mode and capability to deliver high resolution data will help India to leverage cartographic applications for urban and rural planning, coastal land use and regulation, road network monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps and change detection to bring out geographical Land Information Systems and Geographical Information System applications.

Besides helping planning agencies, it will also keep an eye on India's hostile neighbours.

Mr. Vivek Pandit, Assistant Secretary General, FICCI, further added "This pathbreaking scientific development in Satellite manufacturing by ISRO will open new frontiers for Indian industry towards strategic technological innovations and manufacturing of satellites. Indian GIS industry and application based service providers will gain significantly with today's development for the niche services in GIS based consulting, planning and infrastructure development. FICCI look forward for eventful 2018 with greater participation of Indian industry and doubling of launches per year".