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ATA Carnet and UN TIR true examples of PPP: Commissioner Customs, Nhava Sheva, Mumbai

Nov 11, 2020

NEW DELHI, 11 November 2020Mr Sunil K Mall, Commissioner Customs, Nhava Sheva, Mumbai yesterday said that ATA Carnet & UN TIR are excellent examples of how national and international trade bodies and the governments of different countries come together for easing out the bottlenecks in international trade in a mutually beneficial manner.


Addressing a webinar on International Trade Facilitation under ATA Carnet and UN TIR system organized by FICCI, jointly with FIEO & IRUGeneva, Mr Mall said that ATA Carnet and UN TIR are true examples of public-private partnerships (PPP) at the global level cutting across national boundaries. 


Elaborating further, Mr Mall stated that TIR is part of India's multimodal transport strategy to improve cross border road transport with eastern and western neighbors. "TIR will not only help India in implementation of WTO's trade facilitation agreements but also as an instrument for movement of goods along the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) to which India is a signatory," he added.  


The TIR convention will help India move goods faster without inspection en route along the corridor, which is an ambitious multimodal transportation established in 2000 by India, Iran and Russia to promote transport co-operation, he said. 


"The development of Chabahar port in Iran and ratification to TIR convention by India has not only allowed India access to landlocked Afghanistan and energy-rich Central Asia through the Jawaharlal Nehru and Kandla Ports on India's west coast but also provided cost and time effective strategy to boost trade between India and these countries," Mr Mall further added.    


Mr Ashwani Kumar, Chairman, Northern Region, FIEO said that the webinar will immensely help to export members in understanding various complexities of the ATA Carnet system and will encourage businesses to make the best of their arrangements. "The system provides a practical solution to the time-consuming task of completing customs document for each country visit by allowing duty- free and tax-free temporary import and export of goods between the countries," Mr Kumar said.               


Highlighting the benefits of TIR, Mr Kazem Asayesh, Senior Advisor, TIR & Transit Services, IRU mentioned that TIR could significantly contribute to the implementation of the BBIN agreement and that India would largely benefit if Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal join the system.   


Mr Raphael Hirt, Project Manager, IRU spoke on the e-TIR system and mentioned that India is working towards e-TIR implementation by end of this year. FICCI Senior Consultant, Mr PS Pruthi, made a presentation on the topic on FICCI's role in facilitating ATA Carnet & UN TIR. 


While sharing Iran's experience on TIR for the last many years,  Mr Behnam - Faramarzian, Head of TIR & ATA Department, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) said, "TIR is more compatible, less costly and more facilitator in comparison with the other transit system." 

ATA Carnet is a temporary admission document, which simplifies the customs procedures and clearances in a foreign country, without paying duty or a bank guarantee for temporary import into that country. Like a passport for goods, ATA Carnet allows for the goods for which it was issued to enter any of the participating countries for up to one year. An ATA Carnet holder can avoid customs declaration and can do away with security deposit or guarantee in the country of temporary importation.

TIR aims to facilitate the international transport of goods under customs seal with maximum coverage.  The system provides a guarantee covering the customs taxes and duties at risk which is required to pass transit countries and provides a balance between the responsibilities of the customs authorities and the international business community. It prevents delays in border crossing operations- by minimizing the formalities decreases transportation costs, as a result, encourages the development of international trade. 


FICCI is the sole National Issuing & Guaranteeing Association (NIGA) for the operation of ATA Carnet & UN TIR system in India and has been closely working with the Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) for the smooth operation of the system in the country. 

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