Safeguarding Urban Freshwater Bodies
February 2013 | Water
Water, known as the elixir of lifee is fundamental for human sustenance. Water bodies have played an important role in the development of our towns and cities. In addition to maintaining the ecosystem and providing a source of freshwater, these water bodies have provided recreational spaces to the city dwellers. However, anthropogenic activities have impacted the existence of our freshwater bodies. A large number of water bodies across different cities face the threat of extinction due to neglect and apathy. Once a source of relaxation, these water bodies have now either become invisible or are an eyesore.
FICCI Water Mission has joined hands with Earthwatch Institute India to work on a programme on citizenns action for conservation and protection of urban water bodies. As residents of our towns and cities, there is a role for all of us to play in conserving the lost heritage of our freshwater bodies through a scientific programme. We plan to reach out to corporate India and the citizens through this programme towards a meaningful engagement on freshwater conservation.
The booklet on Urban Freshwater highlights the importance of these water bodies in maintaining the ecosystem of our towns and cities. It enumerates the growing threats and lists out measures which can be employed by various citizen groups for conserving and saving our urban water bodies.