Water & Wastewater Management in Pulp & Paper Sector-FICCI Case Study
March 2021 | Resource Conservation & Management (RCM)
Recognizing Pulp & Paper as one of the prominent sector with substantial potential of ‘reduction in water use & effluent generation’ in India, FICCI conducted a scoping study supported by WWF & HSBC under ‘Living Ganga Program’. Under the study detailed water audits were conducted in selected Pulp & Paper units from the Ganga Basin States. The study identified various issues related to poor water & wastewater management in the Pulp & Paper sector. The study also identified/evolved best
practices mainly to achieve reduction in fresh water consumption and generation of effluent.
Out of the various recommendations, the following Best Practices were suggested for pilot intervention and demonstration in one of the studied Pulp & Paper unit:
• Use of Medium Consistency Screening for Pulping instead of Conventional low consistency screen
• Use of Fan Jet Spray Showers and Wide Angle Spray in Paper Machines instead of conventional
hole showers
• Segregation of colored effluents and adoption of color removal technology for recycling and reuse
of treated effluent
• Providing training & awareness to the workers regarding water saving & conservation
For further details, please contact karishma.bist@ficci.com
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