Farm mechanisation: A catalyst for sustainable agricultural growth

February 2024 | Agriculture

India is a global agricultural powerhouse with about 156 million ha arable land.59 In near future, arable land is going to become a precious resource due to its important role in fulfilling the food security need of the rapidly increasing global population. This puts India at a very advantageous position, where it can leverage this resource for the overall development of its agricultural sector. In order to realise the potential of the sector, it is important to focus on increasing the crop yields and productivity by a significant amount. This is where farm mechanisation comes into the picture, among other factors. Increasing the level of farm mechanisation will help in the modernisation of Indian agriculture, enabling it to contribute immensely towards fulfilling global food security needs. Moreover, leveraging the full potential of the largest available arable land can help India become a global export hub for food products. Increased farm mechanisation can also help in increasing the per capita income in rural areas, helping achieve the target of becoming a developed country by 2047. As mentioned earlier, a multi-pronged approach is required to achieve the desired level of farm mechanisation in the country. Emerging technologies like precision agriculture and drones present interesting opportunities to leverage the full potential of farm mechanisation. Therefore, strategies focused on increasing the access of emerging technologies for smaller farmers should be devised, while encouraging a collaborative approach to help spread awareness and adoption of farm mechanisation.

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