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Kumbh represents glorious traditions of India

Jan 07, 2019

People to get an opportunity to be connected with their celebrated past in Kumbh starting in Prayagraj from Jan 15

Prayagraj Kumbh accorded status of World Heritage by UNESCO owing to efforts by PM

Historical & Mythological prestige restored by changing its name to Prayagraj as per people's sentiments with CM's efforts

UP Govt committed to organising Grand & Divine Kumbh

State Govt duty bound to provide all facilities to devotees & tourists visting Kumbh

New Logo of Prayagraj Kumbh launched by the Govt as per nature of event

Prayagraj Mela Authority set up to ensure continuity of development

NEW DELHI, 7 January 2019: Kumbh aptly represents glorious traditions of India. The people will get an opportunity to get connected with their celebrated past through Kumbh starting at Prayagraj from January 15, 2019.This holy event is organised at four places in the country. The event held at Prayagraj is the subject of special curiosity and attraction for the country and the world. 

Following the efforts made by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, UNESCO, keeping the importance of Kumbh in view, has included it in the list of "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity". Kumbh starts with worshipping of Ganga Ji. The Prime Minister has launched the Kumbh by worshipping Ganga Ji on December 16, 2018.

Following the efforts made by the Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath Ji, the historical and mythological importance has been restored by changing its name to Prayagraj as per the sentiments of the people. The Uttar Pradesh Government under the leadership of the Chief Minister is making elaborate arrangements for successful organisation of Prayagraj Kumbh2019. The state government is endeavouring to provide a devotionally and spiritually changed atmosphere to pilgrims coming to Kumbh. Over 5000 NRIs will also visit the Kumbh owing to the joint efforts made by the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister. In this world's most massive human congregation of humanity, people of over 6 lakh villages of India along with the overseas devotees will participate. 

Following the efforts made by the state government and the cooperation extended by the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, the devotees coming to the Kumbh will have an opportunity for the first time in the last 450 years to pray at 'Akshay Vat' and 'Sarasvati Koop'. The Kumbh is organised at Triveni Sangam, but it is related to entire Prayagraj area. Keeping this in view, the state government has beautified all the places directly or indirectly linked to the Kumbh. For convenience of devotees and tourists visiting the Kumbh, the facility of reaching there by air, road and river has been made for the first time.

The state government is committed to organising a grand and divine Kumbh. The state government has already launched the a new logo of Prayagraj Kumbh-2019 in accordance with the nature of the event. Special priority has been given to providing better facilities to the devotees and tourists in the Kumbh and giving them a pleasant experience. The state government is making efforts to realise the concept of making the Kumbh event a representative of India's 'Sanatan' and inclusive culture. The objective of this event is to make efforts to familiarise the world with the high quality life, conduct and thoughts of Indian culture through Kumbh. 

Kumbh is organised at Prayagraj after every six year and Magh Mela every year. To ensure continuity of developmental process, the state government has constituted Prayagraj Mela Authority. Under the Kumbh related works, 671 people welfare projects have been completed during the last one and a half years. Of these, most of the projects are related to the stable developmental works. 

The state government earmarked an amount of Rs. 2800 crore for Kumbh Mela-2019 along with the various projects of stable development. Besides, works of stable development are being carried out at Kumbh Mela and Prayagraj with a total amount of Rs. 4300 crore from other budget. All these works will be very facilitating for the devotees visiting the Kumbh. An amount of only Rs. 1214 crore was spent on the Kumbh-2013. Under these projects, works of basic infrastructural facilities like roads, bridges, drinking water schemes electricity improvement, tourism developmental etc have been done.

For convenience of tourists and devotees visiting the Kumbh,  the state government has made available the facility of modern and smooth traffic movement to Prayagraj by constructing 09 flyovers in only last one and a half years. The Bridge Corporation has created a record by constructing in a short period of 14 months a 4-lane wide and 1325 metre long flyover on a single pillar in front of Hon High Court in Prayagraj city area. Similarly, another record has been created by completing only in a year time, a 1.0 km long ROB at a height of 16.00 metre at Rambag. In the densely populated areas of the city, 6 railway under passes have been widened to 4-lane within a year, which have smoothened city traffic movement for the citizens of Prayagraj.

With a view to organising Kumbh properly, the state government for the first time, has widened and strengthened on a wide scale over 64 traffic crossings and 264 roads connecting the mela area during the last one and a half years. Besides, the availability of latest medical equipment has been augmented in the hospitals of Prayagraj city, besides setting up new plants by enhancing medical facilities.

To maintain high quality and transparency in the construction works of stable nature for this grand event, the state government made elaborate and unprecedented arrangements and kept a close watch over quality and time adherence of all the important works through a third party. Arrangements were made to ensure online monitoring of the progress of all the projects, so that all the new works of stable nature could be completed within the parameters of stipulated time limit and quality. 

Commencing from January 15, 2019, the Kumbh will be the most novel event till date. The whole world is participating in the event. Ambassadors of about 71 countries have witnessed the preparations for this grand event. They have unfurled the national flag of their countries on the bank of Triveni in Kumbh Mela area. A conference on NRI Day is being organise in Varanasi in January. Representatives of 192 countries will visit Kumbh in February next. 

The efforts made by the state government resulted in setting up of a new city in the huge Mela area, which has 250 km long roads and 22 pontoon bridges. It will be the largest temporary city of the world. Keeping in view arrival of devotees in a large number, availability of electricity has been made more effective by streamlining energy infrastructure in Prayagraj. For the first time, the Mela area is being brightened up by installing over 40,000 LED lights there. 

To ensure participation of the people from every part of the country in this event, the state government is making efforts to bring the people from every state in the Kumbh.

Representation of all the cultural disciplines of the country will be there to see. Programmes based on ancient cultural heritage will be organised, in addition to cultural programmes, food, festival etc. A new India is going to throb in Prayagraj.

The Government of India has made an historic increase in number of flights by getting constructed a new air civil terminal in Prayagraj. Prayagraj has been connected through air route to the country's several main cities like Bangluru, Indore, Nagpur, Patna etc. A heliport is also being set up here and arrangements are being made to provide the facility of helicopter joy ride to tourists. 

The state government has developed modern and easily available facilities as per convenience of visitors and tourist visiting the Kumbh. The facilities include housing, meal, tours, holy bath etc. To provide facilities of high quality to tourists, a premium tent city is being developed in the Kumbh Mela area. 

To ensure representation of every cultural discipline of the country in Kumbh arrangements are being made for 30 thematic gates, over 200 cultural programmes of high quality, laser show on cultural topics, food court, vending zone, exhibitions and tourist walk. Facade lighting is also being done at prominent places. To showcase Indian culture, 'Kala Gram' and 'Sanskriti Gram' are being set up.

For the first time, the Kumbh Mela Area has been brought under the surveillance of Integrated Control and Command Centre and CCTV Cameras. Integrated Control and Command Centre of the smart city project has been dedicated to Prayagraj. The system will facilitate controlling and keeping safe the traffic movement and the crowd coming to Mela. This will also help in ensuring law and order of the city. CCTV cameras will not only keep a close watch on safety and security but also watch the cleanliness arrangements. There will be two   Control and Command Centres under a scheme of about Rs. 247 crore in Prayagraj. Of these, one Control and Command Centre costing Rs. 116 crore has been completed and made functional. It has been completed in only five months. 

Through over 1400 CCTV cameras of the already functional Integrated Control and Command Centre, the work of traffic control, security and video analytics are being done in Kumbh Mela area. Organising this Kumbh Mela is a multi-faceted task. As "Swachchha Kumbh" it is the messenger of cleanliness. Similarly, the Kumbh-2019 has been linked to the concept of "Cultural Kumbh", "Safe Kumbh", "Digital Kumbh" etc.

The state government is laying special emphasis on cleanliness during the Prayagraj Kumbh-2019. Due to lesser number of toilets in the previous Kumbh, the people were forced for going to open defecation. This time, 1,22,000 toilets have been constructed and sanitary staff more than double in number as compare to the previous Kumbh have been deployed in Prayagraj Kumbh-2019. The message of cleanliness from Prayagraj will go to every nook and corner of the country. Only 34000 toilets were constructed during the previous Kumbh. 

Generally, the sanitary arrangements used to be not as better in previous Kumbh, as have been made for this Kumbh. After Mela, the sacred land of Sangam remained filled with garbage and leftovers. A foolproof arrangement has been made this time, under which garbage will be lifted from the dustbins through latest technique preventing its scattering on the ground, collecting it in a compactor by Tata S. vehicles and taking it to out of Mela area for proper disposal without any scattering. For the first time 20,000 dustbins have been placed in the Mela area, besides deploying 140 tippers and 40 compactors for ensuring solid waste management.

Campaigns are in full swing everywhere to ensure that the banks of Ganga and Triveni remain clean and the water of Ganga Ji remains pollution free. Swachchh Bharat Mission and Namami Gange project are being successfully executed in Prayagraj. So far, 32 nullahs (drains) opening in the Ganga have been sealed. To control pollution in the Ganga, 04 schemes are being implemented in Prayagraj under the Namami Gange Programme. Out of these, two schemes have been completed and 90% work has been completed on the remaining two. Foundation stone of two important schemes is being laid, so that all the nullahs opening in the Ganga can be sealed and treated. 

Foundation stones have been laid under the Namami Gange Programme for 03 sewerage treatment plants and construction of pumping system connected to them as well as upgradation of 07 STPs and 10 pumping stations and also maintenance of all these facilities for next 15 years. The work of sewer connection and setting up of pumping station by laying 177 km sewer lines have been completed. 

The scheme of keeping rivers clean and uninterrupted has been implemented. Arrangements have been made to treat river water through bio-remediation so that no effluent pollutes the rivers in Prayagraj. For the first time, development of 10 ghats and river front conservation work has been under taken in the Mela area. 

The conception of linking Prayagraj with all the three routes- air, road and waterways- has been fully realised. For the first time Indian Inland Waterways Authority has set up 05 jetties in the Mela area. These jetties have facilitated operation of large cruises and motor boats in Prayagraj for the first time.

Prayagraj city has been beautifully decorated with the pictures and drawings of Indian culture and art. The walls in Prayagraj are showcasing Indian culture in an enchanting way. The glory of Prayagraj and India has been beautifully highlighted through striking pictures. Walls of 20 lakh square metres are being decorated here to give a glimpse of Indian culture, through pictures, to the visitors.

For the first time in Kumbh Mela arrangements are being made two set up Ganga Pandal with a capacity of 10,000 persons', Pravachan Pandal with a capacity of 1,000 and 04 cultural pavilions, where cultural programmes will be staged continuously. Besides arrangements of Yatri Nivas are being made for the first time for stay of 20,000 common devotees.

Information Bureau

Information & Public Relations Department, UP