Start-up’s & Innovation are the backbone of a vibrant India, and could be one of the key drivers for several of the potentially transformative programmes of Govt of India, such as ‘Make in India’ as well for employment generation. Today, there is a strong willingness among aspiring entrepreneurs (especially amidst the youth of India) to take risks and a vision to establish business models that would generate revenues and employment.
Innovation & Startup are two strong pillars that directly contribute to nations’ economic wealth as well as social development. The innovation ecosystem should be fully committed to provide all support needed by the new genre of entrepreneurs. Innovation coupled with Entrepreneurship & Startup becomes the backbone of a vibrant India, and would be the key drivers for several of the potentially transformative programmes of Government of India, such as Make in India, Start-up India, Digital India, etc.
FICCI Start Up Committee aims to build a booming start-up ecosystem thriving on the tightly-knit, most vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country. Its objective is to foster economic growth by leveraging innovation to attain a competitive edge in the Indian & global markets. The time is right to create a platform to deliberate and showcase indigenous technologies/innovations to the global audience and also invite global players to explore collaboration opportunities.
Today, innovations are the key to re-define and re-shape everything – from products and services, to governance, organizations, processes, people, economy, institutions, business and technology. Innovation fulfills needs which cannot be met by conventional products, processes and institutional forms and can have a significant impact in terms of social and economic value. Innovation is all about change and related opportunities to improve access, affordability, sustainability, efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.
The ultimate endeavor should be creation of wealth through knowledge with entrepreneurship and innovation being the key drivers for generating wealth from knowledge.