Baseline Study on Education to Employability Project in West Bengal

May 2013 | West Bengal
Youth unemployment has become a threat to the social, economic and political stability of nations and it deserves urgent attention. With an increasing working age population in our country, there is a pressing need to seize the demographic dividend. Young people face difficulties during the transition from school to work. Thus providing necessary employability skills to the school students and guiding them to make appropriate career choices is an imminent imperative.

Against this backdrop, Education to Employability (E2E), an innovative model of Employability Skills Trainingg for secondary school students was conceptualized and implemented in 30 schools in West Bengal. With a state wide roll out of the project in pipeline the Baseline Study on Education to Employability Project in West Bengall has been developed by FICCI and Vikramshila Education Resource Society. The study tries to identify the status of the current awareness and capabilities in terms of Basic English communicative skills, IT skills, etc. of students who have completed Classes X/XII, studentss views on employability skills and making right career choices after finishing school. The study also tries to gauge the existing aspiration-capabilityy gap among the students.

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