FICCI Indian Solar Handbook and Directory

September 2013 | Renewable Energy
FICCI believes that solar energy can play a pivotal role in enhancing India's energy security and creating greater access to energy. This can only happen if an ecosystem can be built and made to thrive in the country. Keeping this in mind, it is important that all stakeholders gain access to information about the existing dynamics of the sector and the market players. The Handbook part of this compendium features information on the solar market, central and state government policies, regulatory overview andnodal agencies at the central and state levels. The Directory part provides information on Equipment Manufacturers, Project Developers, System Integrators, Sales and Marketing companies, and Energy Service Companies in the field of Solar Energy.

The Indian Solar Handbook and Directory is a priced edition and costs INR 1250/- only.

The abstract will give you the contents of this Handbook. You may order copies of this book by filling the order form at the end of the abstract and sending it to the mentioned address.

For any query or information please contact:

Mr Vikram Kotru
Assistant Director

Mr Pranav Patel
Assistant Director

Environment, Climate Change, Renewable Energy Division
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
Federation House, 1 Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110001
Ph: +91-11-23738760 - 70 (x421, x517)

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