Impact Assessment Study on Education to Employability Project in West Bengal

May 2015 | West Bengal
Education to Employability (E2E) is an innovative model of Employability Skills Training for secondary school students. Department of School Education, Govt. of West Bengal under Paschim Banga Rashtriya Madhyamik Shishka Abhiyan (PBRMSA) rolled out the project in 200 government and government aided schools across the state covering nearly 30,000 students of Classes IX and X in 2013-14 in collaboration with Vikramshila Education Resource Society.

The Impact Assessment Study on Education to Employability Project in West Bengal, jointly developed by FICCI and Vikramshila, tries to gauge the overall impact of the project in the three areas of intervention - Communicative English & Soft Skills, IT Skills and Career Awareness and draw up a possible way forward.

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