The Experts' Voice: A compendium of articles<br> Amrit Kaal: Roadmap for Capital Markets for India's Century

September 2022 | Capital Markets

The Knowledge Paper, 'The Experts' Voice' is a compendium of articles contributed by members of FICCI's National Committee on Capital Markets. The compendium was e-released by Ms Madhabi Puri Buch, Chairperson, SEBI during the 19th Annual Capital Market Conference held on 13-14 September 2022.

The articles are focussed on ‘Amrit Kaal: Roadmap for Capital Markets for India’s Century’ and deliberate on how Indian capital markets could impart greater momentum to economic growth and details the interventions required for enhancing the efficiency of capital markets. Ranging from topics as diverse as role of good governance, decarbonisation and role of technology, the articles capture the recent reforms in the domain, their impact, challenges and put forth possible solutions to ease out such challenges.

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