The World's Growth Engine

December 2023 | General

India has made significant progress in economic growth and development over the last decade and is today ranked amongst the fastest growing economies in the world. India is expected to become the third largest economy in the world in the next few years and will continue to drive global growth in the foreseeable future. As India marches ahead on the high growth path, it will be imperative that the process of comprehensive reforms continues unabated, and we support the growth impulses through appropriate policy planning, design and strategy.
In this context, FICCI brought out a commemorative publication during FICCI’s 96th Annual General Meeting on the theme of “The World’s Growth Engine”. The publication offers rich insights into India’s rise as the world’s growth engine, as well as offers key suggestions for driving India on an accelerated growth path in coming decades. Several leading luminaries including senior government officials, FICCI’s past presidents, members as well as key business leaders have contributed to this publication.

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