AIBC Report to 18TH AEM Consultation 2021

September 2021 | Asean


Globally, the last 18 months have been very challenging to businesses as governments imposed several COVID-19 pandemic containment measures. The impact of such measures varies from region to region and fromcountriestocountries. These lockdownmeasures are unavoidable as countries are trying their best to protect their people from the pandemic. The closure of manufacturing activities, restriction of large-scale events, shutdowns of malls, restaurants, and leisure and travel as well as schools have led countries to revise their growth rates. Signs of recovery are still farfrom the horizon as countries in the region race to vaccinate their citizens and non-citizens. Huge sum of relief funds has been authorised by governments to assist the people and businesses. Relations have remained on strong footing and cooperation broadened to cover a wide range of activities from political, security, social, cultural and other areas of mutual interest. Next year we are settocelebrate 30years of ASEAN IndiaDialogue Relations and 20years of Summitlevel engagement.

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