Exploring the potential for growing the Cruise Tourism sector amongst IORA member countries

June 2024 | Arab & Israel

The report highlights that cruise tourism is a rapidly growing segment within the travel and hospitality industry, showing remarkable post-pandemic recovery and immense growth potential. Beyond its consumer appeal, it serves as a catalyst for economic development, generating employment opportunities and infrastructural investments in port cities worldwide.

With substantial capital investment and a projected expansion of the global cruise market, particularly in ocean cruises, this sector offers avenues for sustainable economic growth. The Indian Ocean Rim region emerges as a promising market, showcasing robust recovery post-pandemic and signaling latent demand potential, especially in nations like India, Sri Lanka, and Mauritius.

In India specifically, cruise tourism presents significant growth prospects, driven by favorable demographics, rising affluence, and infrastructure investments. The government's strategic initiatives, including the Maritime Vision 2047, aim to position India as a leading cruise destination through infrastructure enhancement and capacity building.

Additionally, a focus on private sector involvement, support for women entrepreneurs and MSMEs, and sustainability measures such as the Blue Economy policy contribute to fostering inclusive growth and a sustainable tourism industry. Overall, cruise tourism holds immense promise for economic development, sustainability, and inclusive growth, with strategic interventions aimed at maximizing its potential.

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