Identifying AI generated content in the digital age: The role of watermarking

September 2024 | Technology

Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities are generating text and images that are often indistinguishable from those created by humans. As AI continues
to increase in sophistication, it has also raised concerns about the source and authenticity of content that is available and in use on the internet, social media platforms, and other digital spaces.

AI-generated content and authenticity

The extensive use of AI-generated output and digital content as the basis or source of information often leads to humans forming opinions and making decisions based on it. Therefore, it becomes important for the consumers of such information to recognize the difference between AI-generated and human generated content, whether it’s in the form of text, images, videos or audio.

Until now, public discourse has largely centered on issues such as spread of deep fakes and impersonation, fake news and social manipulation, false attribution, lack of AI content detection mechanisms and copyrights. However, the issue is much wider. Organizations are increasingly deploying AI to develop new products and services and to improve the efficiency of existing systems. Clarity on the source of inputs used, therefore, becomes important.

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