India is known for its rich and diverse cultural heritage. Each of the region of India has had its own unique art forms with their own cultural significance and history. The creative economy has become a powerful transformative force in the world today. It is one of the most rapidly growing sectors of the world economy in terms of income generation, job creation, and export earnings.
The creative industries are one of the most dynamic sectors of the global economy and offer developing nations chances to enter into a new high-growth sectors.
There is an intricate balance between the growth of arts and financial sustainability. The innovative business models and policies can support the flourishing arts ecosystem while addressing critical financial considerations while uncovering the economic intricacies that underpin the world of creativity and culture.
The intersection of festivals and the creative economy catalyze economic growth, foster artistic innovation, and transform communities. The pulsating heartbeat of the mega events world, where artistic creativity merges seamlessly with business acumen lead to the wider possibilities of sustainable creative economy.
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Vikash Kumar
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T: +91-11-2348 7323
M: +91-9868370125